Meet the Team

A Message from the Founder

I am very pleased to welcome you to this new website of the American Studies Program at the University of Bucharest and to share with you some thoughts about what we have accomplished so far and about the kind of legacy the program aims to create. It was with our strong commitment, painstaking effort and immense enthusiasm and with the unswerving support of the US Embassy and the Fulbright Commission that we succeeded to institutionalize this challenging disciplinary area at both the undergraduate and graduate level as part of the nationwide process of democracy-building and reform.

– Prof. Dr. Rodica Mihăilă

Programul de masterat în Studii Americane de la Universitatea din București oferă o abordare inter- și multi-disciplinară a culturii și societății americane dintr-o perspectivă comparativă și transnațională, accentuând relațiile dintre Europa/România și S.U.A. în context global, pe baza a trei direcții de studiu: Cultură și Valori, Istorie și Politică, Societate și Comunicare.

The program benefits from the expertise of scholars and faculty who have carried out research or specializations in the United States and who are based in a range of Faculties (Foreign Languages and Literatures, The University of Economic Sciences, Political Science). In addition, there is a “Fulbright Seminar,” held by U.S. scholars.

You can also meet us on our Facebook Page!
